Sub-critical water extraction

Technology that enables efficient extraction of active components, with no need for organic solvents

Subcritical water extraction uses the characteristics of subcritical water for efficient extraction of components which are usually difficult to dissolve in water. Using only "subcritical" water, or water that does not boil even at high pressure or temperature, this people- and environment-friendly extraction method bypasses use of organic solvents such as ethanol.

Improves extraction rate of active components

  • Dissolves components that do not readily dissolve in water
  • Retrieves components which cannot be extracted using conventional methods
Example1 More-than-double the extraction rate of AOMIKAN hesperiden
Example1 More-than-double the extraction rate of AOMIKAN hesperiden

Lowering molecular weight by accelerating reaction of hydrolysis

  • Improves absorption of active components
  • Improves rate of intracorporeal absorption of active components
Example2 Lower the molecular weight of green pea protein
Example2 Lower the molecular weight of green pea protein

Hot water extraction: 90 degrees (15 mins); alcohol extraction: 100% ethanol (overnight); subcritical water extraction: 180 degrees (3MPa); J Med Food 24 (5) 2021, 533-541

Characteristics of subcritical water extraction

Changes in temperature and pressure convert the state of water (liquid) to ice (solid) or vapor (gas). The critical point is the value threshold at which the state changes, with water at or above this temperature/pressure known as "supercritical water." The region in which temperature/pressure are slightly lower than the critical point is called "subcritical," with water in this state referred to as "subcritical water." Subcritical water can have properties which resemble those of organic solvents because of its lower relative permittivity, while its high ionic product can increase the hydrolysis rate.

Feature1 Water with properties resembling those of organic solvents

Schematic diagram of subcritical water and relative permittivity of typical solvents

Schematic diagram of subcritical water and relative permittivity of typical solvents 1
Schematic diagram of subcritical water and relative permittivity of typical solvents 2

Subcritical water introductory video

Nikken handles OEM and consignment processing using subcritical water extraction technology and welcomes all inquiries.

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