NIKKEN has developed a functional ingredient from unshiu green mandarins ("AOMIKAN"), harvested in the thinning-out process, leveraging subcritical water extraction technology. This can be used in production of foods with functional claims, cosmetics, and both powdered soft drinks and energy drinks.[Product: SHIZUOKA AOMIKAN Extract P SW(powder)]
Functional ingredients derived through subcritical water extraction

AOMIKAN*1 are generally harvested too early for consumption as part of the thinning process and therefore discarded. We sought to find an effective way to use the functional components contained in this unripe fruit.
Shizuoka Prefecture, home to Nikken Food's main plant, boasts Japan's largest harvest of unshiu mandarins.*2 Some of these mandarins are picked prior to ripening to improve fruit quality, stabilize harvest, and reduce the burden on fruit trees. As tens of thousands of tons of thinned fruit are routinely discarded, Nikken explored leveraging a component found in the unripe fruit as a useful functional ingredient.
Success would not only mean use of the extract to contribute to health, but also promotion of SDGs through a reduction in discarded unripe fruit.
*1 AOMIKAN: "green" or unripe unshiu mandarins, also known as satsuma mandarins and "mikan" in Japanese
*2 Source: Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries statistics: "2022 Results of Mandarin Grove Area, Harvest, and Shipments," Statistics Department, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
*Images are for illustrative purposes
How can extraction of functional components in unripe mandarins be maximized? Considering issues from thinning timepoint to processing method, researchers zeroed in on the solution through trial and error.
The team began by researching ideal timing of unripe mandarin harvesting to yield a stable and maximum concentration of functional components. Next, they performed repeated clinical experiments to address challenges such as use of a new continuous subcritical water extractor, selection of a processing method to avoid loss of any functional components, testing storage stability, and demonstrated efficacy to human health. After clearing all potential issues, Nikken successfully commercialized SHIZUOKA AOMIKAN Extract Powder, containing functional components (hesperidin and narirutin). However, that was not the end of the story…
The team also set about developing a powdered beverage ("AOMIKAN Drink") using SHIZUOKA AOMIKAN Extract Powder which was submitted for approval as a Food with Function Claims. Although Nikken Foods does not market end products, we felt we could be of service to clients through application for, and acceptance of, our AOMIKAN Drink as a Food with Function Claims.
Although it was by no means easy, repeated efforts resulted in the successful application and acceptance of our product (Food with Function Claims registration number H1183).
Acceptance as a Food with Function Claims opened new doors for this useful and healthy raw material!
The new SHIZUOKA AOMIKAN Extract Powder is now used in powdered soft drinks and nutritional beverages. Fulfillment of required conditions*3 would facilitate usage of a label reading: "This product contains unripe unshiu mandarin extract, which has been reported to reduce nasal discomfort due to pollen, various forms of dust. Meanwhile, AOMIKAN Drink, which has been approved as a Food with Function Claims, has received a Systematic Review (SR) and is ready for provision to clients.
*3: SHIZUOKA AOMIKAN Extract Powder will be accepted as a Food with Function Claims if it is formulated so that more than 400mg can be ingested per day. Moreover, when used in small amounts as an additive, the extract has the effect of enhancing a citrus sensation and masking unpleasant tastes associated with fish, meat, or soybean derivatives, enabling its usage as a food ingredient.
*Images are for illustrative purposes
Nikken offers contract processing services leveraging our extraction, concentration, drying, and blending technologies plus our production equipment, covering products ranging from extract and powdered flavor blends to OEM-based functional ingredients. We welcome orders, inquiries, and proposals.
- R&D Case Studies
- [CASE03] Functional ingredients derived through subcritical water extraction